Thursday, November 14, 2013

Are you STUCK?

How to remove hot glue

Hot glue is the go-to adhesive for a lot of things floral.  But it can be almost impossible to remove it, or to remove the object it is holding in place.  Sometimes when I'm designing a piece for a funeral, and have been asked to personalize it with a figurine or some other item, I will use hot glue to hold it in place so it doesn't fall out in transport or--worse yet-- in the service.  But when you get that item home and would like to display it, you find it is a hot-gluey mess to get rid of.  No worries!  Simply use a paint brush or Q-tip to apply some rubbing alcohol to the glue, and it will completely dissolve.  No mess guaranteed!  Or if you don't want to try this yourself, bring it to me and I will do it.  

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